M-Space Technologies

A selection of technological devices and electronic techniques I have developed are presented below. They have variously emerged from analysis, pedagogy, composition, performance or technological invention, however their functions often drift. For example the Tintinnabulator and Powers were built to teach composers aspects of Pärt’s and Schillinger’s compositional techniques, but are now used directly in composition, performance and improvisation. The Fretboard Remapper (aka DeSousaphone) is now used as a tool for me to compose for different instruments, operate a range of electronic devices and to challenge and disrupt improvisational and compositional habits.

Desousaphone – Remapping the fretboard’s interval space
M Space Model – Coltrane’s cells as coordinates
Tintinnabulator – device for real-time tintinnabuli
Electronic tone row generation in Icescape
String Splitter – Decoupling of the guitar’s audio streams
Powers – Schillinger geometric powers in improvisation
Tintinnabulator – Talkthrough
The ‘dissolved tremolo’ technique in Spirals
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