M-Space Academic Publications

Mermikides, M., & Feygelson, E. (2017) ‘The shape of musical improvisation’ in Leech-Wilkinson, D.l, & Prior, H.M., eds.  Music and Shape. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press. 

Mermikides, M., Zinovieff, P. & Curran-Cundy, A. (2020). “Revisiting December Hollow : Unearthing Emotive Shape,” in Weinel, J., Bowen, J.P., Diprose, G. & Lamport N., eds. Proceedings of EVA London 2020 (EVA 2020), BCS. Access

Mermikides, M., & Feygelson, E. (2017) The shape of musical improvisation. In Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel, and Helen M. Prior, eds. 2017. Music and Shape. Vol. 1. Oxford University Press. 
Mermikides, M., Zinovieff, P. & Curran-Cundy, A. (2020). “Revisiting December Hollow : Unearthing Emotive Shape,” in Weinel, J., Bowen, J.P., Diprose, G. & Lamport N., eds. Proceedings of EVA London 2020 (EVA 2020), BCS
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