Following the successful (emotional, fun, wonderful) EGO concert at Bush Hall – a charity concert (raising close to £4000) with some of the finest musicians and friends one could hope to know – here’s another good reason to donate some more to the worthy charities. The Eclectic Guitar Orchestra’s Towards the Sunlight is a collection of donated tracks from the players and all proceeds will go to Leukaemia Research and the Anthony Nolan Trust. Enjoy.
Category: Fundraising
On the 10th anniversary of my bone marrow transplant, you are warmly invited to a concert of the Eclectic Guitar Orchestra, in support of leukaemia charities. April 8th 2015, 7.30pm Bush Hall (Shepherd’s Bush) Tickets a mere £25
Performers include the legendary John Williams, George Uki Hrab, Declan Zapala, Craig Ogden, Bridget Mermikides, John Wheatcroft, Peter Gregson Amanda Cook, Steve Goss Jake Willson and an ever growing list of amazing musicians.
Please join the Facebook event for ticketing information, how you can support the event, to express interest (so I can get an idea of numbers), and a bunch of other exciting stuff to be announced… visit again for unfolding information…
Live lecture/performance of BloodLines at the Dana Centre, Science Museum. Thursday July 18th, 7-9pm.
To book:
Call 020 7942 4040 or e-mail
The Dana Centre and d.café are licensed premises open only to those aged 18 or over. Most events are free. Arrive early to enjoy a wide variety of delicious food and drink in our air-conditioned d.café.
Please pre-book.

18 July 2013
19:00 – 21:00
Diagnosed with Leukaemia, John was given hours to live – but survived thanks to a bone marrow donation. How can ethically sourced stem cells save lives? Experience an immersive and exploratory performance created by a survivor and his donor.
John’s disease, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, is ‘a deadly disease for which the best available therapy is only applicable to a fraction of patients and is itself potentially lethal’ (Dr Adele K. Fielding, Haematologist UCL). That therapy – a transplant of blood stem cells – is both potentially lethal and life saving. It is also miraculous, mysterious and slightly macabre.
Bloodlines conveys the science and the experience of this last chance treatment in a performance featuring a haematologist, a musical score created from blood cell counts, kaleidoscopic visual effects and dance. Join us in the Dana Cafe after the performance for a discussion with the makers: learn more about stem cells and becoming a donor and about this collaboration between artists and medical scientists.
Bloodlines Team:
Alex Mermikides: stem cell donor and direction
Milton Mermikides: leukaemia survivor and music
Ann Van de Velde: haematologist and performer
Anna Tanczos: videoscape
Adam Kirkham: dance
Bex Law: dramaturgy
More details about Bloodlines can be found here. This event is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
Milton in Concerts.
Hello All, Just to update you on some concerts this March, I hope you can make them- it would be so good to meet up with some of you out there- so please consider coming- all information is below.
You may be interested to know that Milton’s Eclectic Guitar Orchestra (EGO) is performing at the Guildford Music Festival:
DATE: Sunday 18th March 2007, 12pm (noon)
VENUE: Studio One, PATS, University of Surrey, Guildford
My good friend and concert violinist extraordinaire, Mark Messenger is running the London Marathon AGAIN this year in aid of the Anthony Nolan Trust. Please sponsor the man! Thanks!
Milton’s Big EGO concert
Milton’s first big post-cancer gig, featuring 8 sensational guitarists. The Eclectic Guitar Orchestra presents a melting pot of styles to warm up a winter’s night.
The Time? Saturday January 28th 2006. 7pm
The Place? Bolivar Hall, Venezuelan Embassy. 54, Grafton Way London W1T 5DL
The Cost? By donation. Suggested is
A warm welcome to !
This is the third-week anniversary of my leukaemia diagnosis, and I would like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to the hundreds of you who have sent messages of love & support. They have helped me more than you can possibly imagine. promotes a positive approach to healing and dealing with serious diseases.
I truly believe that our attitude, strength & love can heal us.
There is too much shame, taboo, silence & fear surrounding cancer and that must be changed.
I have no fear, resentment, anger or self-pity about my leukaemia – to get through this those emotions must be discarded.
In this site you will witness an honest account of my leukaemia in the hope that it inspires others to approach this challenge with courage, love and positive energy. That is how it is beaten.
- Video clips & photos of my treatment and life here in Charing Cross hospital
- Interviews with doctors, nurses, patients and their families and friends
- Music that I have composed & recorded here in my ward
- Encouragement to give blood, bone marrow and money for research
- Some writing from me and others about handling this disease
Cancer will touch us all in some way so try not to look away.
The more we see- the less we fear- and the less we fear the more we can truly live.
Hey, sign my guestbook!