Composition Learning & Teaching Lectures & Presentations MiltOnNotes Music Theory

Every Chord in the Universe

Every chord in the (12TET) Universe – a gentle introduction to Pitch-class Set Theory.

To download the Mr. PC patches (for Max/MSP standalone and Max for Live click below. Note: 1) they both need the excellent and free Bach package by A. Agostini & D. Ghisi (installable in Max’s Package manager) consider donating (to them). 2) For Apple Silicon computers, Max needs to be running under Rosetta. 3) These are good enough tools for teaching and music adventure – use at your own theoretical risk.

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One reply on “Every Chord in the Universe”


I am currently working with extreme combinatorics in relation to a sound installation I am creating. I found your explanation very inspiring, and of course, I downloaded the PCS patch that you kindly made available (for which you will be credited if you so desire). First, I wanted to congratulate you on your intense, eloquent, and above all, warm teaching work, which I, as a colleague, find intensely gratifying. Secondly, I would like to delve deeper into the interface you have made available. I’m afraid I can only use the PCS of the 3-x level; I don’t see any way to select the others. However, I see in your video that you handle it with ease. Does the patch you made available only work with PCS of type 3, or am I missing something?


Oliverio Duhalde

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