A cute little Arvo Part machine, for creating tintinnabuli voices (Demo, background, tutorial and free download below)
Latest version available on Max4Live.com or Download here if you want v1.3 in a live set, free to use, but please leave a comment, rate kindly and credit Milton Mermikides (miltonline.com). Do let me know here about any published or exciting work you are doing with it 🙂
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17 replies on “Tintinnabulator”
This sounds fantastic. I want to know everything about it… please.
Thank you – See above!
I can’t open the .amxd device… any help?
I’ve re-uploaded link with the amxd file embedded in an Ableton live set ready to go..
Amazing, thank you!
would you possibly have a version that works for ableton 9?
I don’t have a couple fo Ableton 9 to hand, but if it runs max for live, you should be able to drop the amxd.file (found in Presets/Midi Effects/Max MIDI effects) on to a MIDI channel in Live 9.
Do you have a version of this for Logic??
Watch this space..News soon
Hello Milton,
Great work you are doing, thank you! Love the ideas of restricted harmony such as as Part.
Regarding the the Tintinnabulator, I presume you don’t have a version for logic? If not, wondering about the tools you used to create the Tintinnabulator instrument?
Thank You
News about a wider release upcoming. This version created in Max/MSP
Hello! Does a version for Logic Pro X also exist? 🙂 I would love to have this Tintinnabulator!
Watch this space…
Hello! Would it be possible to have a version that works for Logic Pro X? It would be fantastic! Thank you!
Watch this space…
Hi, your tintinnabulator is fantastic. Do you have a version for PC?
Watch this space…