Composition Electronic Works


A cute little Arvo Part machine, for creating tintinnabuli voices (Demo, background, tutorial and free download below)

Latest version available on or Download here if you want v1.3 in a live set, free to use, but please leave a comment, rate kindly and credit Milton Mermikides ( Do let me know here about any published or exciting work you are doing with it 🙂

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17 replies on “Tintinnabulator”

I’ve re-uploaded link with the amxd file embedded in an Ableton live set ready to go..

I don’t have a couple fo Ableton 9 to hand, but if it runs max for live, you should be able to drop the amxd.file (found in Presets/Midi Effects/Max MIDI effects) on to a MIDI channel in Live 9.

Hello Milton,

Great work you are doing, thank you! Love the ideas of restricted harmony such as as Part.

Regarding the the Tintinnabulator, I presume you don’t have a version for logic? If not, wondering about the tools you used to create the Tintinnabulator instrument?

Thank You

Hello! Would it be possible to have a version that works for Logic Pro X? It would be fantastic! Thank you!

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