Health & Training Skepticism


Had my post Bone Marrow Translant MMR Vaccine jab today (together with a Polio, tetanus one)

Feel very privileged that I live in an age & place where I can get effective vaccines for ‘free’

Long-live the NHS, Medical research & science-based medicine.

One cannot underestimate how slowly people grasp the value of some scientific advances.  We’re still seeing a 50% belief in creationism in USA, 150 years after the publication of the Origin of the Species, and overwhelming evidence for evolutionary science.  Homeopathy is BIG business, (the belief that say, arsenic when diluted to the point that no molecules are likely to remain, can help eczema.) Astrology appears in practically every newspaper.  Why the backlash against vaccines?

Simply the power of

1) Naturalistic Fallacy

2) Conspiracy Theory & Confirmation bias

And that’s it.


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