I have been thinking about ‘nutshell’ images for a range of musical concepts. Here’s a work in progress on common progressions in a major key in 17-19th century tonal harmony. Yes caveat, WIP etc, but it seems quite useful. Comments and suggestions welcome! Minor key next, please don’t let me turn them into 3D models for mode mixtures and modulations.
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8 replies on “Tonal Harmony Flow Chart”
Cool, but technically a flowchart, not a circuit diagram.
My word, you’re right. Thank you. Fixed.
I want to have a print of this in my studio!
Hope that you can put together a minor chart as polished as this one soon! 🙂
Wonderful chart!!! Thank you!!! Is there any update on the minor version of this chart?? Thank you again your efforts are very appreciated.
Thanks Sebastian! On the to do list, I promise!
Is this the complete progression one? Same like the others, i am requesting the minor progression as well. Tq for providing this chart.
It’s coming, it’s coming!!